Dinner Ideas, Grilling, Reflection

The Perfect Grilled Cheeseburger

Last Sunday I saw Jim Gaffigan’s segment on Sunday Morning about cheeseburgers being in “grave danger” and it prompted me to reflect on my own cheeseburger consumption 🤔 I am with everyone out there, I love a great sloppy cheeseburger; but Jim might have a point. As he stated, “To put it bluntly we need to leave the sacred cheeseburger alone. A patty of ground beef with cheese on a bun. The Holy Trinity of food. It’s taste perfection. But what truly makes the cheeseburger so brilliant, is the portability. You can eat a cheeseburger and do things like drive, walk your dog, take a bath or even grill another cheeseburger. The cheeseburger is an example of American ingenuity at its core. You can’t mess that up, right? Well, we are, folks. People are putting things on a cheeseburger that are, not to sound too dramatic, against God’s laws.” After watching that Sunday Morning segment, I felt inspired to create a simple perfect cheeseburger 👍

I’ll admit, I’ve guiltily indulged with eggs, corned beef, pulled pork, avocados/guacamole, caramelized onions & mushrooms, and soooo many delicious condiments (haven’t we all 😉).

For the perfect cheeseburger, in my opinion, you need great ground beef with the appropriate fat ratio and the perfection of American Cheese, white or orange. I go with 80/20 for my grilled burgers and I prefer Land O’ Lakes Low Sodium American Cheese because we season our burgers with Goya’s Adobe Seasoning and only the best Worcestershire Sauce by Lea & Perrins (Jim Gaffigan shouldn’t get too upset with seasoning a cheeseburger, right 😉).

I don’t plan to share my ingredients or share instructions because we all know how to create a great grilled summer cheeseburger, but PLEASE use a quality bun. I will share that a potato is my favorite although not featured in the photo since I need to use what we have on-hand ❤.

As a side note, pour Dave got catch in a rainstorm grilling our burgers ⛈️

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